Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Bookmaker's Nightmare: A Review

From time to time, I will review a product or a "system". Today, since this is the first product, I am going to review something I know well and use (almost daily)... that product is Bookmaker's Nightmare.

Before I get into it, I will tell you what I like the least about Bookmaker's Nightmare: you don't have to love horses or horse racing to make money with this system. I know that's what many people are looking for (they just want to make a quick buck). But I love horses and I love horse racing. That I can make a living with it is simply a blessing.

... so that's the downside - whether you know anything about horses or not, you can make money using Bookmaker's Nightmare. I think that's a negative because I wish only those of us who love horses could make money from horse racing.

But whether you're new to horse racing or whether you're an old pro, Bookmaker's Nightmare has something for you.

If you're a beginner (or maybe even if you're not), have you ever struggled to "do the form"? If you have, then here's the solution for you. Bookmaker's Nightmare will teach you how to get other people's losses into your pocket.

The best thing about Bookmaker's Nightmare is that it shows you how. There are countless examples and worksheets. It's not just theory that you need a PhD to understand. It's all laid out for you. Those TV guys would say "it's so easy a cave man could do it"... and I like that. Be a cave man... go to the track, hunt some winners, and bring home money. That's a great feeling!

Learn all the secrets and learn how to bet horses like a pro with Bookmaker's Nightmare. Like I said at the beginning, this is a system that I know and use nearly everyday. I highly recommend it.

Some of you may ask why I am recommending Bookmaker's Nightmare. You're probably wondering why I would tell anyone about the system I use to make a living. Aren't I just creating more competition for myself? Well, in a sense, I suppose I am. But I doubt that many folks will take it as seriously as I do. And there are a lot of tracks and a lot of races out there. I'll make more than my share. :-) I always do...

If you would like me to review a specific product, just leave a comment (or send me an email) and I will be happy to review it in a future post. I'm probably already familiar with whatever it is that you are thinking of using or buying. Just let me know what you're looking at and I'll be happy to tell you if it's worth your time or money.

1 comment:

quotron said...

Have you heard of the Makido-One
horse betting system?Does it work?